Washington, (18 January- 14.29). The U.S. presidency has begun. They call him names, weaponized the legal structures, sued him in open court, try to kill him, not once but twice, they stormed his house, searched his personal belongings all under the name of political persecution. But Donald J. Trump was never beaten. He proven with humor and style to serve his revenge cold.

A political Maverick the real victory of Donald J. Trump is unmistaken. It was a landmark slide. The country has enough of the Democrats. Enough of the falsehood that the country looked through. Hollywood was screaming to leave the United States if Donald Trump wins. But Trump did win, but no celebrities fled in horror.
The left is ramping up for the usual destruction. Portland is already boarded up. But the U.S. is on a renewed path of greatness. The army has a saying, it pays to be a winner. And sure Donald J. Trump is a winner. His message is simple and clear. Release the hostages or you will pay the price. Russia, China, and Iran are watching so lets watch.
Trump has won an amazing victory. Unheard in modern time politics. The defeat of the Democrats was about time. It was a victory over the far left compared to the common sensical approaches.
But Trump in power means no rest. The incoming president has his plate full just the thing Trump drives on. Hostages in the Middle East, war in the Ukraine, Putin and Xi, pending war in the South China Sea. The plate is full but a challenge for Donald J. Trump.