Author: Carlos Moore

Tashkent 24/2/ (50). In Tajikistan, over 20% of the population lives in poverty, and millions of citizens have emigrated to Russia to find work. Meanwhile, a feudal elite under President Emomali Rahmon has ravaged the country with corruption, nepotism, and massive drug smuggling of Afghan heroin to Russia and Europe. Although Rahmon’s successor and son, Rustam Emomali, has been increasingly in the headlines, adopting a presidential look, his stiff and awkward appearance reveals a man seemingly afraid of his shadow. Sources inside the country’s security apparatus report that he is in conflict with his powerful sisters, including Ozada, the head…

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The population of Kyrgyzstan is on the verge of old age. Data of country’s National Statistical Committee say. According to the UN scale, if the proportion of people aged 65 and older in the entire population is below 4 percent, then the population of such a country is considered young; if it is in the range from 4 to 7 percent, the population is on the verge of old age; if above 7 percent — old population. At the beginning of 2023, there were 378,100 people, or 5.4 percent, aged 65 years and older in Kyrgyzstan (at the beginning of…

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Deputy of the Parliament Sharapatkan Mazhitova proposes to ban wearing of clothing that covers the face and a voluminous beard in Kyrgyzstan. The corresponding amendments to the Code of Offences have been submitted for public discussion. As the background statement says, the draft law aims to maintain a balance between the need to ensure security and identification of individuals and respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens. It was developed to prevent and suppress by government agencies the wearing of the burqa (face covering) and voluminous beards, which restrict personal identification in public places. However, foreigners and diplomats will not have to shave their face. The ban will not apply to them. «The proposal is related to legislative changes aimed at regulating…

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The events dedicated to the World Savings Day started in Kyrgyzstan today. It is celebrated around the world on October 31. The official representative of the National Bank Aida Karabaeva said at a press conference. According to her, this day has been celebrated in the Kyrgyz Republic since 2015 as part of activities to improve financial literacy of the population. This year, 150 events will be held as part of the celebration of the World Savings Day. They will be organized by government agencies, commercial banks, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations and others. «There will be open classes, lectures, interactive games, excursions, open days, contests, quizzes on the topics of family budget and competent handling of money. There will be discussions about the importance of savings, the need…

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Kyrgyzstan exported 312.9 kilograms of silver. Deliveries decreased by 2.3 times compared to the same period in 2022. However, it is not only the volume of supplies that has undergone changes. Buyers of the precious metal have also changed. Last year, the republic supplied silver to Russia and Turkey, which bought 354 kilograms and 353 kilograms, respectively. The total amount of supplies was estimated at $543 million. In the same year, the entire volume was exported to Hong Kong. This brought the republic $197.3 million. Source : Акчабар

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Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have taken a major step towards resolving their decades-long border dispute by signing a key agreement. The central Asian countries share hundreds of kilometres of disputed border which has seen constant tension over access to transport routes and resources, particularly over water in farming regions. On Monday, national security chiefs from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan met in the Kyrgyz town of Batken to discuss border issues and signed an agreement. But they released few details. Source : THENEWS

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Farming body seeks recruits from 6,000 miles away in fight to help rural economy. Italian farmers have turned to their counterparts in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan to fight the loss of the farming tradition on the island of Sardinia. In a fresh attempt to solve rural recruitment problems, Italy’s agriculture trade group Coldiretti has looked 6,000 miles away to Kyrgyzstan to recruit shepherds skilled in Sardinian specialities, such as cheesemaking from goat and sheep milk, along with horse breeding. Coldiretti said on Monday that it had signed a deal with the labour ministry in Biškek to enable local…

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The collapse of the Soviet Union sparked the creation of new informal practices across all of its former republics. Soviet-style corruption, in the form of blat (favors) and reiderstvo (corporate raiding), and newer informal practices, enabled the transition to independence. Like other parts of the former Soviet periphery, in Kyrgyzstan Soviet-era practices and ideas were internalized even as independence bloomed. But in response to weak rule of law, and the forces of capitalism, informal practices took on new forms in Kyrgyzstan in light of its own unique circumstances. The Soviet imperial legacy can be seen especially in these locally developed informal practices. The recently emerged concept…

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The leader of the Butun Kyrgyzstan parliamentary faction, deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh Adakhan Madumarov was placed in the pre-trial detention center of the State Committee for National Security (GKNB) of the Kyrgyz Republic. This decision was made on the evening of September 2 by the Pervomaisky District Court of Bishkek. The press service of the court explained that in this way the request of the investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was granted, and the parliamentarian will be kept in custody until the end of the investigation, that is, until October 24. Recall that earlier the lawyer Gulyana Ubaliyeva told reporters…

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The Ukrainian Navy announced the incapacitation of five large landing ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. This was announced by the speaker of the department Dmitry Pletenchuk on  FREEDOM . He clarified that before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian fleet had strengthened as much as possible under the guise of exercises. They pulled six ships to six more, but soon the number of ships was reduced in number. “Under the guise of exercises before a full-scale invasion, they pumped it up as best they could. I remind you that they only drove six to six large landing ships. But the result is known:…

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