Author: Adilet Sabirov

The State Committee for National Security (SSC) reported that Almazbek Istambaev, the general director of the Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abdylas Maldybaev, was arrested. According to the information of the special service, the fact of abuse of position in the conclusion of contracts for long-term lease of the property owned by the institution in the opera and ballet theater was revealed. In this regard, a criminal case was initiated under the article “Abuse of official status” of the Criminal Code, and pre-trial proceedings were started. Almazbek Istambaev was placed in the temporary detention center of the Criminal…

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15 fires were registered on the territory of Kyrgyzstan in past 24 hours. 16 fire brigades were involved in extinguishing them, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported on December 7. 5 fires occurred in Chui region, 4 in Jalal-Abad region, 3 in Issyk-Kul region, 2 in Batken region, and 1 in Bishkek. The engine of a Mazda Demio car burned out on Suyerkulov Street in Bishkek. Firewood burned in the courtyard of a residential building on Almaty Street in Alamedin district. Source : Akipress

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Representatives of tourism sector and tour operators from Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia organized the Kyrgyz-Mongol Touristic Road Show for exchange of experience as part of agreements reached during the official visit of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic to Mongolia. Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Mongolia Aibek Artykbaev and other officials took part in the event. The meeting was attended by about 200 representatives of the tourism industry of Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. It is expected that business forums and B2B meetings will be organized as part of the development of the tourism sector of the two countries. The sides will discuss opportunities for…

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Green Energy Forum and GREEN EXPO Exhibition will be held in Bishkek as part of Green Economy Days. Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan Ainura Usenbekova announced at a press conference. According to her, the forum will help raise public awareness on green economy issues and provide an opportunity to focus the attention and efforts of all stakeholders on priority sectors for the development of Central Asian region. At the exhibition, participants will be told about green technologies and solutions that are presented in the economic sector for the development of sustainable business. In total, stands of 50 different companies will be presented. «Both events are aimed at overcoming existing challenges and promoting mutually beneficial cooperation. The forum will be attended by representatives of China,…

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The renowned restaurant “Zerno” in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, is usually packed with locals and families having dinner, appreciating its delicious cuisine and alcohol-free offerings. But on 2 November, it attracted 15 local journalists and over 600 online attendants as it hosted an exceptional culinary masterclass with an important message. The cooking masterclass was part of a national information campaign to promote healthier lifestyles and increase awareness about the hazards of excessive salt intake. Dr Liviu Vedrasco, WHO Representative to Kyrgyzstan, and Bybyjan Arykbaeva, Deputy Minister of Health for Kyrgyzstan, both teamed up with chef Akbar in the restaurant’s kitchen. The participants…

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Lucian Fernando, a dedicated elected councillor representing Silverhill, the vibrant area of Hastings, was recently extended a gracious invitation by the Kyrgyzstan Ambassador for a remarkable cultural exchange experience. The invitation included a visit to an art exhibition and an official visit to the Kyrgyzstan Embassy in London. The art exhibition, which took place at the historic Masonic Hall in St. Leonards on Sea, offered Councillor Lucian Fernando a unique opportunity to showcase their deep respect for hardworking Kyrgyzstan artists. With a strong belief in the power of art to transcend borders and bring people together, Councillor Lucian Fernando was…

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Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov met with Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene, who arrived in Kyrgyzstan on a working visit. Akylbek Japarov noted a rather high level of bilateral relations. He said Kyrgyzstan attaches a special importance to development of friendly ties with Mongolia. He expressed interest in further expansion and deepening of political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties. “I am glad to note that the current bilateral relations are steady and are developing upward. Cooperation is characterized by mutual understanding and common stances. We cooperate successfully on international arena in the framework of international and…

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A total of 20 finalists took part in the Miss Kyrgyzstan 2023 final competition held on Tuesday, October 3 in Bishkek. Five beauty titles were at stake — Miss Kyrgyzstan, Miss Kyrgyzstan Universe, Miss Kyrgyzstan Earth, Miss Bishkek, and Top Model of Kyrgyzstan. Miss Kyrgyzstan 2023 – Akylai Kalberdieva Miss Kyrgyzstan Universe 2023 – Maya Turdalieva (will go to Miss Universe 2023) Miss Kyrgyzstan Earth 2023 – Aiperi Keneshbekova (will go to Miss Earth 2023) The rest of the Top 5, Aigerim Satynbekova and Aisuluu Kalybekova, were crowned Miss Bishkek 2023 and Top Model of Kyrgyzstan 2023, respectively. Aiperi Keneshbekova succeeds Aizhan Chanacheva and will…

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Frankfurt, Brussels (6/10 – 27) While Tajik authorities have not been able to lay their hands on their activist opponents living in Europe, they are able to turn the screws on their families and relatives, back in the old country. The recent case of arrest of family members took place shortly after President Emomali Rahmon’s visit to Germany, to attend a summit of Central Asian leaders, at the end of last month. Throughout Rahmon’s visit, he was trailed by demonstrators holding up placards bearing pictures of political prisoners and calling him a dictator. When Rahmon headed to the Bundestag on…

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Kazakh suppliers have stopped supplying flour to Kyrgyzstan. This was stated by Deputy Head of the State Antimonopoly Aibek Mamyraliev during a meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial and Legal Issues and Regulations. According to him, starting last Thursday, imported flour coming from Kazakhstan began to rise in price. “This is due to several factors. Thus, the volume of flour supplied to us from Kazakhstan has decreased. In addition, their suppliers have currently stopped sending flour to us in Kyrgyzstan,” Mamyraliev said. He emphasized that at the moment the State Antimonopoly together with the Ministry…

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