Author: Dimira Satybaldiev

Tajikistan and China have agreed to expand bilateral cooperation in the field of transportation and logistics. Tajikistan’s Ministry of Transport (MoT) and Kashgar Jinlida International Logistics Center Co., Ltd have agreed to expand bilateral cooperation. The parties reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the field of transportation and logistics, the MoT press center says. The document was reportedly inked in Dushanbe on May 29 by Mr. Rahmiddin Salomzoda, Director of the State Unitarian Enterprise (SUE) Road Transport and Logistics Services at a Mot, and Mr. Yan Xijang, Director-General of the Jinlida International Logistics Center Co., Ltd in…

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President Kassym-Joomart Tokayev approved the new government of Kazakhstan under the leadership of Olzhas Bektenov. The names of the ministers were published on Most of the ministers remained from the old government. Four ministers were replaced: Nurlan Baibazarov was appointed Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of National Economy instead of Alibek Kuantyrov, Madi Takiyev became Minister of Finance instead of Erulan Zhamaubaev, Akmaral Alnazarova was appointed Minister of Healthcare instead of Azhar Giniyat, and Chingis Arinov became the new Minister for Emergency Situations instead of Syrym Shariphanov. Members of the government who remained in their positions included First Deputy…

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Latest Developments The third-most senior Hamas figure, Saleh al-Arouri, was killed on January 2 in a Beirut blast that Lebanese authorities blamed on Israel. Arouri was among at least four people who died in an Israeli drone strike on a Hamas media office in the southern Dahiyeh suburb of the Lebanese capital, a Hezbollah stronghold, authorities said. Israeli officials had no immediate comment. After Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh, Arouri was the top-ranked Hamas official. He pursued an especially aggressive Palestinian terrorism strategy, with a focus on the West Bank, where he ordered the 2014 abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers, sparking a…

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The Korean-Kyrgyz Business Forum was held today in Bishkek, the National Investment Agency reported. The forum was attended by Korean businessmen from the CIS countries, head of KOTRA Headquarters in the CIS Seong-Soo Kim, Deputy Director of National Investment Agency Jibek Abdullaeva, International Business Council Executive Director Askar Sydykov. Jibek Abdullaeva expressed readiness for cooperation in implementation of joint projects in textile industry. “Kyrgyzstan has rich natural resources, Korea has advanced technologies. All that creates unique opportunities for development of mutually beneficial partnership. We observe a steady growth in exchange of goods and services. It is important to note that…

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Kyrgyzstan imported 122,500 light vehicles in January-September 2023, according to the National Statistical Committee. Car imports grew 4.8 times. In dollar equivalent, import grew 6.1 times to $1.67 billion. The average price of one imported car grew by 27% to $13,600. Kyrgyzstan imported cars from the following countries: – South Korea – 38,400 vehicles (8-fold growth) – China – 32,600 vehicles (34.7-fold growth) – Russia – 10,800 (2.2-fold growth) – Japan – 9,000 (5-fold growth) – Germany – 4,600 (9.8-fold growth) – Georgia – 3,400 (1.9-fold reduction) – Lithuania – 2,700 (2.2-fold growth) – Canada – 1,100 (5.4-fold growth) -…

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At a meeting of the Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Subsoil Use and Industrial Policy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, representatives of Kumtor Gold Company CJSC said how much gold was mined under the former president Almazbek Atambayev. Deputy Seidbek Atambaev asked about the volume of precious metal mined from 2011 to 2017. The president of the gold mining company, Almaz Baryktabasov, responded that 112 tons of gold had been mined in six years. «Last time, Balbak Tulobaev said that 1.8 tons of gold were mined under Almaz Atambayev. Therefore, answer clearly so that there are no misunderstandings,» Seidbek Atambayev said. Earlier, deputy of Parliament Balbak Tulobaev proposed to repay the debt to China ahead of schedule in gold.…

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Statement by UN Resident Coordinator Antje Grawe in the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan on October 17. “Honourable Ms. Cholpon Sultanbekova, Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judiciary and Legal Issues, Distinguished Members of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament), Dear representatives of civil society, international organizations and development partner, I wish to thank you for initiating this Parliamentary Hearing on the draft Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts (the Law “On Non-Commercial Organizations” and the Criminal Code)”, as well as for the opportunity to participate today. I have been publicly calling for the holding of open parliamentary hearings which…

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The Eurasian Regional Center of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF-ERC), the United Youth Organization (UYO), and the Active Volunteers Organization (PU) with the support of the Ministry of Information, Sports and Youth Policy of Kyrgyzstan and the Youth Congress of Kyrgyzstan organized the ‘Model OIC International Relations Academy 2023’ in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyz Republic, Azernews reports. At the opening ceremony of the event, Vusal Gurbanov, Acting Director General of the Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF (ICYF-ERC), Askar Shaikidinov, the head of the Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of Kyrgyzstan, as well as…

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The bodies of Kyrgyz citizens who died in a helicopter crash in Menderes district of the Turkish province of Izmir were delivered to Kyrgyzstan on September 20. The bodies were handed over to relatives, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic says. A fire helicopter crashed into a reservoir in Izmir on September 16. The crew included 4 people, 3 of whom were citizens of Kyrgyzstan. One of the Kyrgyz citizens E.I. survived: he swam to shore and is now in the hospital. The helicopter was stuck in the mud at a depth of 12 meters. The bodies of…

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The first batch of American Abrams tanks will arrive in Ukraine in mid-September, Politico reports, citing two sources, including from the US Department of Defense. According to the publication’s interlocutors, who asked to remain anonymous, the first batch will include 10 tanks. They are in Germany and are undergoing maintenance and repairs; once they are completed, the armored vehicles will be sent to Ukraine. In total, the United States plans to transfer 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. It is expected that the allies will send all the promised armored vehicles to Ukraine by the end of autumn 2023. The United States first…

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